Thank You

Eva displaying the novel "Blackbeard's Seventh Door"

The book launch for Bluebeard’s Seventh Door, a novel by André Vecsei, was held on May 18 2012, at the Thomas More Institute in Montreal, Canada. It was a great success, thanks to all of you who attended.  We thank you sincerely for your presence and hope you enjoy the small collection of photos and video that were taken during the evening.

Here we hope to share with others who might want to read André’s timeless story; it is also a place where we invite readers to share their comments and views about the book. You can buy a copy of the book here. If you wish to comment, please ‘leave a reply’ at the bottom of the page.

Once again, thanks to all who came and honoured the memory of Eva’s late husband, in celebration of the many hours he spent in creating and composing this literary symphony of characters and stories.

Posted by Lorrie Beauchamp